Patken Photographer

Patken Photographer is a photography studio based in the hamlet of Deer Park, New York. Founded in 1966 by the late Irving Patken, this business focuses on home and portrait photography. Its main services include offering photo packages for children’s parties, family portraits, weddings and other events in addition to providing a second-hand store.

Patken Photographer also offers a variety of professional services such as portraits of jewelry, home interiors and fine art photography. In addition to providing traditional photo packages, this business is the first in Deer Park to offer digital image acquisition and manipulation, slide scanning and enlargements from negatives, slides, or digital files.

This business has been awarded the Deer Park Business Association’s Business of the Year award in 1993 and 2008, Silver Community Partner with Long Island University Post since 2006 and the Chamber of Commerce Crystal Award for Outstanding Service to Small Businesses in 2010. Patken Photographer is an active member with professional associations such as the Professional Photographers of America, Wedding Professionals International and Wedding & Portrait Photographers International. This photography studio also is a member of the American Society of Media Photographers.

Patken Photographer was originally founded in Manhattan in 1966 by Irving Patken, who used to work for NBC. He had always been intrigued with the idea of selling photos and he finally made it come true when his son went to college. He found a studio over on Lexington Avenue, opened it up and the business took off tremendously. The family moved out to Deer Park after 34 years so that they could have more space for future generations. This is where Patken Photographer remains until today, having undergone several expansions along the way. The building’s facade does retain some of its original features such as the old “Photo” neon sign.

Patken Photographer has always been an active member when it comes to local events including the Chamber of Commerce’s annual holiday parade in Deer Park. The business staffs a professional photographer who volunteers to take photos during this event. This studio also supports other non-profit organizations such as the Deer Park Fire Department by sponsoring raffles every year.

Patken Photographer is known for its high-quality customer service and reasonable prices. Its staff offers personalized attention to every client who visits the studio, whether for a photo session or to purchase products. Parken Photographer is an established business in Deer Park that will continue offering services long into the future.

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